Whether you want a glamorous up-do or perfect tumbling tresses, hair needs extra TLC in the months leading up to your wedding. We asked leading hairdressers for tips on maintaining your crowning glory
Hair is your crowning glory on your wedding day, but with stress and an over-busy work and planning schedule, its condition can suffer. We spoke to leading hairdressers across the country to ask for their advice on how to ensure your tresses shine on the day.
1. How soon should I contact my hairdresser?
In my opinion, you should contact your hairdresser and make-up artist as soon as the date of your wedding is confirmed. There is no harm in being very organised and, if you leave things too late, you run the risk that the team won’t be available. Early contact also means your hairdresser can advise on what is achievable in terms of growing your hair before the wedding day, and suggest specific treatments for salon and home use to ensure you reach your goals for your wedding-day hair.
Simon Hill, owner SESH Hairdressing seshhairdressing.co.uk

2. What if I want to grow my hair for my wedding?2
Many brides to want to grow their hair longer for their wedding day, but one common mistake is not cutting their hair for months on end. A very small haircut every six to eight weeks will promote quicker growth, also maintaining health. Hair masks and products such as Olaplaex are also an incredibly good way of keeping you hair healthy. Many brides may struggle to find time during the day, but one good way of creating a weekly ritual is by doing treatments overnight and rinsing/washing them out the following morning.
Ana Gomes, stylist Blush and Blow London blushandblowlondon.com

3. How do I improve my hair’s health?
Around three months before the wedding I recommend beginning an intensive hair-care routine. Try to cut down the amount of times you wash your hair to twice a week, and ensure one of these washes is followed with a deep conditioning hair mask to reduce dry, damaged ends and add shine. JOICO K-Pak Color Therapy LusterLock Treatment Mask is brilliant for this and will improve the longevity of hair colour too. Hair extensions are brilliant for brides as they really do give you the opportunity to create styles that would not be possible. Even if your hair is long, extensions add volume and thickness that means you can create fuller styles; this gives the illusion of healthier hair. You can also add colour using extensions, bringing in different tones to add dimension and depth, without any hair damage.
Jay Birmingham, owner Jay Birmingham Hair jaybirmingham.co.uk

4. Any ‘dos and don’ts’?
I advise brides not to dye their hair within two weeks of their wedding day. If you leave colour until the last minute and are not completely satisfied, you may not have time to have it adjusted. If you’ve had a hair colour a few weeks before the wedding, avoid using heated styling tools as much as possible, as these can dull and fade hair colour. If heated styling tools have to be used, using a heat protection spray before styling is crucial. It’s also incredibly important to book in for a free consultation with the hairdresser before any appointments to get opinions and ideas and, once you find the right stylist, book a trial appointment.
Suzie McGill, owner Rainbow Room International, Uddingston Salon & Schwarzkopf UK Ambassador rainbowroominternational.com

5. Any advice for brides with hair loss or thin hair?
One way to help is to add hair. At Loxbox, our extensions have been designed to help those who suffer with hair loss and help them feel great about their hair. With several methods to choose from, extensions can help create the feeling of fullness again, and thicken the hair. The application is very smooth and can take between 30 minutes and three hours to complete. Our virgin remy hair is blended with your hair to create a natural look. Extensions are a particular favourite with our brides, whatever their hair condition, because they add glamour to their look.
Michelle Griffin, Griffins CEO & creator Loxbox Hair Extensions griffinsalons.co.uk

6. What about perfecting the wedding-day look?
It’s a good idea to book one of your hair trials on the same day as your dress fitting and make-up trial. This gives you the chance to see your overall look there and then, rather than seeing the final result on your wedding day where it may be too late to fix if you decide the combination of hair with dress and make-up doesn’t look quite right.
Karen Thomson, owner KAM Hair and Body Spa & Scottish Hairdresser of the Year kamhairandbodyspa.co.uk
Wedding-day hair and make-up trends for 2019