Groomswear tips on wedding-day suit style plus bold accessories for cutting a dash down the aisle
Groomswear options are much broader than they used to be, but finding your style starts with thinking about the style and season of the wedding. Neal and Palmer is a Jermyn Street one-stop shop for bespoke British tailoring, whether you’re in the market for smart formal, classic morning suit or dinner jacket. It’s also a great place to go for sound advice, and with hire offered on formal, DJ and waistcoats. You’ll find more offbeat options – from Nehru to smoking jackets – if you want a bolder twist. We’re inspired by its choices and our hot tip for the season ahead is white tie – we’re seeing more tuxedos at weddings and this is a great look paired with evening and Deco-inspired bridalwear – also superb for destination grooms. White tie (above) from a range at Neal and Palmer; nealandpalmer.com

Summer groomswear options
Lightweight suits are an investment worth making for summer and destination weddings – helping you stay in style and keep your cool but also earning their keep during the balmy months for business and travel events. Turnbull & Asser is a go-to for event-appropriate options, with classic and understated styles that will never date such as this lightweight Stone jacket and trousers combination. turnbullandasser.co.uk

DJ forever
Putting ‘black tie’ on the wedding invitation is a gift for guests – everyone looks good in a DJ. This is a look that works just as well for ballroom or destination bash and it always great in the wedding photos. Trunk’s house dinner suit the Grosvenor is a find. In a 13oz black Barathea weave from Dugdale Bros, it has a slight texture, great drape and peak lapels in satin silk. Grosvenor house DJ. £1,350 trunkclothiers.com

Texture twists
Groomswear tends to focus on the suit choice, but shoes are an important part of the overall look – and they should never be boring. One of our favourites is Crockett & Jones’ Kensington loafer, an understated style in beautifully woven calf leather. Shown here in black, it’s also available in tan woven leather, plain black leather and a rich dark brown suede. Crockett & Jones’ woven Kensington. £465; crockettandjones.com

Bold colour pops
It’s often small details that add colour to grooms’ outfits and here we think there’s every reason to go bold. Cufflinks are a keepsake from the day and can be chosen (or gifted) to ensure they tie in with the colour theme or have personal significance. We love the range available at Alice Made This, with fabulous colours and motifs and fine craftsmanship in the mix.
And don’t forget the wedding-day watch, a most traditional gift but one where there are lots of ways to introduce colour and style through watch face and strap. We love the collection created by The Camden Watch Company. Like Alice Made This, its designs have a very British style. For instance, No.27 GMT Greenwich Edition pays homage to Greenwich Meantime.

Alice Made Poppy Patina cufflinks created by London patina artist Derek Bayley in collaboration with Scottish artist Jessica Rose Bird, £210; alicemadethis.com. The Camden Watch Company, No.27 GMT Greenwich Edition. £165; camdenwatchcompany.com
Alexandra Wood’s wedding planner for grooms