Glamorous bouquet ideas from Laura Kuy

Glamorous bouquet ideas by Laura Kuy
A 'something blue' bouquet by Laura Kuy

These bouquet ideas are from leading London florist Laura Kuy, who has carved a reputation for gorgeous displays focused on the perfection of the blooms and their infinite textural and colour possibilities

Glamorous bouquet ideas from Laura Kuy
Bold pinks with flashes of acid green


Featuring classic pink roses in tones ranging from blush to intense pink and burgundy tones, this bouquet also features rosemary for remembrance and a strong colour pop of pale lime. This makes a standout combination for a bride who wants to work with a hot pink theme on her wedding day


Glamorous bouquet ideas from Laura Kuy
White on white tones create a bouquet with depth


White bouquets are particularly effective if you focus on texture and tone. Here purest white flowers are combined with soft creamy and buttery shades, with plenty of green to balance the overall effect. This lovely bouquet would be perfect for a winter or early spring wedding

Glamorous bouquet ideas from Laura Kuy
Yellow looks particularly effective combined with complementary peach and apricot tones


Yellow is a classic colour for wedding bouquets, but it can also be wonderful in combination with other shades. Here, yellows and soft pink to apricot shades create a wonderfully luxurious bouquet.

Glamorous bouquet ideas from Laura Kuy
Purple and mauve create a soft and elegant bouquet


With its rich colours, this bouquet would be perfect for a winter or evening wedding. It combines velvety blooms in shades of dusky pink through to violet with soft white-edged leaves and unopened buds

About Laura Kuy

Renowned London florist Laura Kuy established her business in 2008 and supplies flowers for weddings, as well as hotels and events such as product launches. Her approach to floral design is built on passion and love for flowers, which are always the stars in her designs. For more information about her work and galleries showing more brilliant wedding ideas, visit